School Tours
For families within our school zone, tours run on most Wednesdays at 10 am. Click here the link to make a booking.
Alternatively, contact our school mckinnon.ps@education.vic.gov.au or (03) 9578 1851 to book a school tour or to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process.
Day in the Life of Foundation
Foundation Transition
At McKinnon Primary School, we run an extensive transition program in the year before new students begin. This enables our new students and families to become a part of the school community early and begin to make valuable connections with the other families at the year level. Specific details and timings of the events will be published on our website at the beginning of the year.
Summary of Transition Events:
School Tours are offered most weeks of the year for in-zone enrolments and are able to be booked via the link in the school tour section.
Year Prior to Beginning Foundation
Start of Term 2 – Enrolments for the following year open.
Early Term 2 – Foundation Information Night and School Tour
Early Term 3 – Enrolment Applications are due
Mid Term 3 – Letters of offer sent to Parents/ carers
Late Term 3 – Informal session at school to meet some staff and other families enrolled for the following year
Term 4 (November) – One-hour transition sessions are held at school in the morning, where students are in the classroom, and parents/ carers attend information sessions about starting school. These usually run over five weekly sessions in November.
Term 4 (December) – The final transition session is held, where students meet their teacher for next year in the classroom they will be in with the children in their class. This session is finished off with a picnic, where parents/ carers can also meet the teacher and connect with the parents who will be in their child’s class.
Year of Beginning Foundation
Term 1 – The First few days are usually shorter, with students in Foundation attending from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. After these first few days, foundation students attend from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
First 5 Wednesdays – Usually, the first 5 Wednesdays of the year are student-free days for foundation students. This is to give the students a rest day so that our Foundation teachers can meet with each child individually. During these few weeks, your child’s teacher will organise an hour-long session where you will bring your child to have a one-on-one meeting with their teacher and complete some assessments.
Mid Term 1 – Foundation students have their first whole week at school, attending all five days.
Specific dates for these events are emailed to parents once they have been set.
Foundation Enrolments
2025 Foundation (Prep) enrolments
To start primary school in 2025, your child will need to turn 5 years old by 30 April 2025. Schooling is compulsory for children who have turned 6 years old.
If your child is starting Foundation (Prep) in 2025, you will be able to apply to enrol your child in a Victorian government primary school from the start of Term 2, 2024 (Monday 15 April 2024).
What you need to do:
- Use Find my School to locate your designated neighbourhood school (referred to as your local school) and other nearby government schools.
- Contact a government primary school to book a school tour or to learn more about the school and the enrolment application process.
- Download the Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents and Carers (PDF, 1.5 MB). This pack includes an application form. The school may also provide you with a copy of the form to complete. If you live within the school boundary, you only need to complete an enrolment form.
- Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 26 July 2024.
- You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024. If you receive an enrolment offer, you should accept the offer by Friday 23 August 2024.
- Take part in information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2024.
- Your child will start Foundation (Prep) from Wednesday 29 January 2025.
Enrolment applications submitted after 26 July 2024 will be processed by the school as they are received, in accordance with the Department of Education’s Placement Policy.
Your child has a right to enrol at their local school. Your child’s local school is determined on the basis of their permanent residential address. Visit Find my School to locate your child’s local school. The enrolling in a school page can also help you to confirm your child’s address for enrolment.
If you are seeking to apply to enrol your child in a school that is not their local school, you should read about school zones and how they work. You should also read about how applications are prioritised using the Department of Education’s Placement Policy found on the enrolling in a school page.
If you have moved into our school zone, we encourage you to contact the school to discuss your enrolment and what documentation will be required.
Our school zone
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au
Enrolment Documents
In Zone Enrolments
Out of Zone Applications
Parent Payments
As per Department of Education guidelines, parent contribution information can be found below.
Submitting Enrolment Form
Please read the primary school privacy notice before completing the enrolment form. Please hand your forms in at the office – 253 Tucker Road, Ormond or email mckinnon.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Child Safe Standards
The Victorian Government is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust report, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in our community, there is a new regulatory landscape surrounding child safety, underpinned by the new PROTECT Child Safe Standards. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.
At McKinnon Primary School we have existing policies and procedures that aim to keep children safe. We have now incorporated The Child Safe Standards to ensure that we provide a solid framework and focus to improve our policy and practices around child safety. Our Child Safe Standards will support the school to embed a culture of no tolerance for child abuse but, where necessary, to respond appropriately. Please take the time to find out more about the standards via these links:
Child Safe Standards | New and Updated
Child Safe Standards 1 – Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
Child Safe Standard 2 – Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
Child Safe Standards 3 – Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.Child Safe
Standard 4 – Families and communities are informed, and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
Child Safe Standard 5 – Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
Child Safe Standard 6 – People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
Child Safe Standard 7 – Processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
Child Safe Standard 8 – Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Child Safe Standard 9 – Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
Child Safe Standard 10 – Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
Child Safe Standard 11 – Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.