Principals’ Blog

Welcome to Term Three We have had a great start to Term Three, with all classes settling quickly back into school routines and getting straight back into learning. We would like to welcome all new students and families to McKinnon this term. We would also like to...

Principals’ Blog

REMINDERS Don’t forget there will be an early pick up at 2.30 pm on our last day of Term, Friday 28th of June. The first day of Term Three is Monday, 15th Upcoming Curriculum Day – Monday before Melbourne Cup Day No school on Monday 4th November as there is a...

Principals’ Blog

Reconciliation Week 27th May – 3rd June National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia....

Principals’ Blog

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SCHOOL COUNCIL – MONDAY 20TH MAY AT 6:00 PM AT SCHOOL IN THE STAFFROOM On Monday 20th May at 6:00 pm, we will be holding our Annual General Meeting of School Council. You are all welcome to join the AGM where we will speak about and share the...

Principals’ Blog

ACTING PRINCIPAL MAY-OCTOBER CONGRATULATIONS DAVID ZUKER I have been every excited to announce earlier this week that David Zuker will be my replacement as Acting Principal for my period of maternity leave from 6th May – 6th October when I am due to return.  A...

Principals’ Blog

 HARMONY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY WEEK @ McKinnon PS This week students and staff celebrated Harmony Week in a multitude of ways both in their classroom and as part of whole school events. These include: The admin team decorated the office and created tallies to...