Principals’ Blog

  SRC FEEDBACK Our SRC group have been working hard to collect their class’ thoughts and ideas with the use of a suggestion box. The representatives then present these ideas to all the representatives to work out what they can take action on, examples of this has...

Principals’ Blog

BOOK WEEK Our school celebrations for Book Week 2020 got off to a great start last week. The school was decorated from the office area to the classrooms which made us all feel it was a special time. In the library we had a display of all of the shortlisted books which...

Principals’ Blog

WORLD TEACHERS DAY A very big thank you to our wonderful parents who provided such a delicious and thoughtful World Teacher’s Day morning tea for all the staff at McKinnon Primary. There was such a variety of different foods and treats we all felt very special. The...

Principals’ Blog

Collected Excursion Levy Refund/ 2021 Credit Process We hope you are all looking after yourselves and manage to enjoy some simple pleasures over the coming holiday period. We understand this time has many layers of complexity for our families at McKinnon. There have...

Principals’ Blog

At Home Together – Staff Stories of Stage Four Lockdown It is with pleasure we share with you our stories from lockdown as we all work together to beat this virus. Please find the stories below.If you would like to share your family’s story, please send a photo...

Principals’ Blog

Term Three Portfolio Tasks and How They Relate to the Modified End of Year Report Last term your child completed three learning tasks. This term we are planning for student led conferences and at the end of the term we will be using the portfolio tasks which are set...